A Time for Restoration 

As we consider the start of 2024, let’s not look to resolutions but rather focus on the natural flow of things. This is what will deliver renewed sense of purpose, work-life balance and boost productivity no end.  Arguably far better for you than forcing yourself into a new exercise routine that you don’t enjoy or deciding that you can exist exclusively on kale smoothies. 

When you think about it, winter is a period of hibernation. At least for many mammals and yet we humans fill it with our biggest celebrations! These prompt positivity but we lose out on the restorative rest we need. Christmastime can be exhausting, so consider taking time out to contemplate the coming 12 months. 

You may still be exhausted from all you threw yourself into at the end of 2023. Or perhaps you kicked deadlines/budgets aside and now have a hectic month ahead. Some of us will throw ourselves into January by making huge changes. There will be those starting new roles, others looking to become fitter or start new hobbies.  

I'm not a person to make resolutions, I do like to set intentions. One of my intentions for the year is to be more purposeful and I love the Forbes article  The Benefits Of Resting And How to Unplug In A Busy World because it underlines simple actions that lead to success. These include practicing gratitude, taking deep breaths, cultivating healthy habits and practicing sleep hygiene. The result is the healing of one’s body, stress reduction, increased creativity, enhanced decision making and improved productivity.  

Let’s restore the natural flow of things in 2024 

Each of us has a built-in propensity for ‘homeostasis’, the state in which our bodies repair and recover naturally. We can learn much from the natural world in terms of hibernation or ‘torpor’, the ‘neat survival trick’ of Australian animals. So, I encourage you to get enough sleep in the dark days of the next few months. That means not working excessive hours or having too many late nights. 

We also need to get out more, And by that, I mean, spending more time in nature. Sadly, we live in world where indoor living is bad for our health. Even though there isn’t a lot of daylight around, we can make the most of it. There's nothing to stop us wrapping up warm and getting some much-needed fresh air and Vitamin D.  

This is why many of my clients find outdoor coaching so effective. It might be chilly in January, but working in an outdoor environment provides a different perspective on things. Please call if you’d like to explore this option. As a Chartered Accountant and Executive Coach, I can help my clients make better decisions both indoors and out – it’s just a question of appropriate warm and waterproof clothing! 

You might also want to check out Streetwisdom, which provides guides for self-reflection in any outdoor environment and connects you to others looking for creativity all over the world. 

So this January, let’s see how we can facilitate new thinking and a fresh approach that embraces restorative rest at home without compromising on delivery at the office. Thank you for reading. I would love to know what you think. We received some great comments from our last email which is encouraging. Now back to that natural flow of things…  

May 2024 be your best year yet! 

What are your intentions for this year? I’d love to know. Contact me and let’s have a conversation.



Discover your institutional capability and release your superpower!


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